Drone 17 – VR Android Game Development

Drone 17  (VR  Google Cardboard Compatible )

Development Status is on : 64%

Estimated Release Date : 10.2015

The game will be available on Google Play  ( Paid Pro version + Free Lite Version )

Development blog and screen-shoots

This game is developed for the normal game-play and even for Google Cardboard ( later it will be adapted for  Galaxy Gear VR ). The game uses a procedural map generator to provide different aerial landscapes. The game will have a complex upgrade system and 3 drone type .   The player will be able to play whit VR glass and even whit normal mode. The game will have several map style and  many different enemy type. There will be several mission and as well a quick play mode. The goal is to upgrade your drone abilities , unlock some special feature and clear the map  from the enemies. The game is on 68% the release date is 2015.10.

Game Screenshots

The  Upgrade Menu


The  Game Settings menu






Unity 5 – Realtime GI Testscene

This is my first attempt whit Unity 5 – Realtime GI . The goal was to test how much time is required for the Precomputed Realtime GI – “baking” . The scene contains 49 object. The baking time is about 4 hours. I tested the baking time on our most powerfull server Dual Xeon ( E5- 2580 Cinebanch R15 3020 point) and as well on a weaker i7 (4790 Cinebanch R15 720 point) . The baking time is on our fastest server was about 2 hour and on i7 more than 6 hour.


Fusion 5 – Android RTS Game ( under development )

Fusion 5 – Real-time Mobile Strategy gamefusion5_s1 fusion5_s2This project is in development. My goal is to create a RTS game. The goal is to capture the structure build resource generators and different offense and defense tool. Like an extended Tower defense. The game core is under development if that part is finished than i can make the graphics more impressive. At the moment I´m  focusing on an other game but this development is also running next to that.


Zeus Media Player – For Android devices


This is an ongoing but at the moment a parked project. My goal is to create an impressive music player with  some great 3D visualization. However I have some great issue whit Unity 3D and android because of the performance. The too many drawcall is not the best friends whit android. I made an extrem optimalization but still hard to keep whit the GUI elements the draw call limit under 100 . I have to wait till the better OpenCL will arrive and the mobile performance will be enough for the concept what i would like to achieve. In the meantime I develop the Submarine Pirates – android game which i would like to publish in this year.