Drone 17 – VR Android Game Development

Drone 17  (VR  Google Cardboard Compatible )

Development Status is on : 64%

Estimated Release Date : 10.2015

The game will be available on Google Play  ( Paid Pro version + Free Lite Version )

Development blog and screen-shoots

This game is developed for the normal game-play and even for Google Cardboard ( later it will be adapted for  Galaxy Gear VR ). The game uses a procedural map generator to provide different aerial landscapes. The game will have a complex upgrade system and 3 drone type .   The player will be able to play whit VR glass and even whit normal mode. The game will have several map style and  many different enemy type. There will be several mission and as well a quick play mode. The goal is to upgrade your drone abilities , unlock some special feature and clear the map  from the enemies. The game is on 68% the release date is 2015.10.

Game Screenshots

The  Upgrade Menu


The  Game Settings menu



